International Thrift Institute
International Thrift Institute, Internationales Institut des Sparwesens, Institut International de l'Épargne
Founded: 1925
HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938
The Permanent Committee is composed of three delegates and three alternate delegates for each of the several countries to which the subscribing savings bank belongs.
(HB 1929)
Un Comité permanent composé de trois délégués et de trois suppléants pour chaque pays ayant des Caisses d'épargne adhérant à l'Institut.
(HB 1936)
A Permanent Committee consisting of three delegates and three alternate delegates from every country having Savings Banks that are members of the Institute.
(HB 1938)
(a) To maintain the ideals with which the activities of savings banks are inspired, and more particularly that fundamental activity of thrift propaganda among all social classes; (b) to further the knowledge of the organisation of the functions and of the activities of savings banks in various countries; (c) to improve the methods and systems of the organisation, and its functions and activities; (d) to develop thrift and savings institutes in different countries, etc.
(HB 1929)
Maintenir les idéals dont s'inspire l'activité des Caisses d'épargne et notamment l'activité fondamentale de la propagande en faveur de l'épargne dans toutes les classes sociales; favoriser la connaissance de l'organisation, du fonctionnement et de l'activité des Caisses d'épargne des différents pays; améliorer les méthodes et les systèmes de cette organisation, de ce fonctionnement et de cette activité; développer l'épargne et les institutions d'épargne dans les différents pays.
(HB 1936)
To promote closer co-operation by the true Savings Banks in accordance with the social ideal for which they were founded; to increase their knowledge of one another's structure and work and help them continually to improve their organisation and services ; to develop savings and savings institutions everywhere and help the latter .to enhance internationally their influence and prestige.
(HB 1938)
Dues of member institutions; subventions by Governments; subsidies by different institutions, societies, associations and individuals ; income derived from invested assets and other sources.
(HB 1929)
Contributions des membres; subventions des gouvernements; subventions de différentes institutions, sociétés, associations et individus; revenu provenant du placement de ses fonds et d'autres sources.
(HB 1936)
Members' contributions; government subsidies; contributions from various institutions, societies and individuals.
(HB 1938)
General facts
The Institute was founded as the result of a resolution by the first International Thrift Congress held at Milan in 1924, on the initiative of the savings bank of the province of Lombardy.
(HB 1929)
L'Institut a été fondé à la suite d'une résolution adoptée par le premier Congrès international de l'épargne à Milan en 1924, sur l'initiative de la Caisse d'épargne des provinces lombardes.
(HB 1936)
A monthly Review, published in French and English, entitled respectively : l'Épargne du Monde and World Thrift.
(HB 1929)
Une revue mensuelle, publiée en français, anglais et allemand, intitulée respectivement : L'Epargne du monde, World Thrift, Das Sparwesen der Welt.
(HB 1936)
A Monthly Review published in English, French and German, respectively entitled: World Thrift, L'Epargne du Monde, Das Sparwesen der Welt.
(HB 1938)
The Institute supplies its associated savings banks and the saving bank associations with information regarding the organisation of saving banks, and regarding thrift in general, despatches material for perusal, etc. It has promoted the celebration throughout the world of a " World Thrift Day " on October 31st of each year. The second International Thrift Congress will take place in London from October 7th to 11th,1929.
(HB 1929)
L'Institut fournit aux membres de ses Caisses d'épargne et des associations des Caisses d'épargne, des informations au sujet de l'organisation des Caisses d'épargne et de l'épargne en général; il envoie du matériel, etc. Il a promu la célébration dans le monde d'un Jour mondial de l'Epargne le 31 octobre de chaque année. Le troisième congrès international de l'épargne a eu lieu à Paris du 20 au 25 mai 1935.
(HB 1936)
The Institute supplies the Savings Banks and the Savings Banks Associations with uiformation concerning the organisation of Savings Banks and savings in general and undertakes investigations for member institutions and furnishes material, etc. The Institute promoted the celebration throughout the world of a World Thrift Day on October 31st of every year. The Third International Thrift Congress was held in Paris from May 20th to 25th, 1935.
(HB 1938)