World's Alliance of Young Men's Christian Associations
World's Alliance of Young Men's Christian Associations, Alliance Universelle Des Unions Chrétiennes de Jeunes Gens
Founded: 1855
HB 1921, HB 1923, HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938
The World's Conference, composed of delegates from affiliated alliances in
proportion to membership (in proportion of five to one unions, HB 1923) ; the World's Committee, created in 1878, with its seat at
Geneva from the outset, consisting of 120 members appointed by national alliances on
the basis of membership, composed of one representative for each alliance with at least 600 unions and one member for each with 600 Unions and more (HB 1923); the Executive Committee, composed of 10 members living in Switzerland and 7 members living outside Switzerland of whom each one represents a country designated by the preceding Universal Conference (HB 1923).
The World's Conference, composed of delegates from affiliated alliances in proportion to membership ; the World's Committee, created in 1878, with its seat at Geneva from the outset, consisting of 120 members appointed by national alliances on the basis of membership ; the Executive Committee (HB 1929).
La Conférence universelle, composée de délégués des Alliances affiliées, en nombre proportionnel à celui des membres de ces organisations; le Comité universel, créé en 1878, avec siège à Genève dès le début, composé de 120 membres nommés par les Alliances nationales, au prorata du nombre de leurs membres; la Commission exécutive. (HB 1936)
The World's Conference, composed of delegates from affiliated alliances in proportion to membership; the World's Committee, created in 1878, with its seat at Geneva from the outset, consisting of 120 members appointed by national alliances on the basis of membership; the Executive Committee. (HB 1938)
Relationships with other Organisations
Members in these countries
Associations in the following countries:
National alliances in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China,
Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary,
India, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, South
Africa, South America (Argentina, Chile, Peru, Uruguay), Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and United States of America. Co-operating Movements not yet officially
affiliated : Cuba, East Africa, Egypt, Federated Malay States, Fiji Islands, Greece,
Hawaii, Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, Latvia, Madagascar, Mexico,
Nigeria, Palestine, Philippine Islands, Poland, Porto Rico, Portugal, Roumania, West Africa and the West Indies. There are 7,851 secretaries in fifty-four countries (HB 1929).
Les Alliances nationales des pays ci-après: Union Sud-Africaine, Allemagne, Australie, Autriche, Belgique, Brésil, Royaume-Uni, Bulgarie, Canada, Chine, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Finlande, France, Hongrie, Irlande, Islande, Inde, Italie, Japon, Corée, Norvège, Nouvelle-Zélande, Pays-Bas, îles Philippines, Portugal, Amérique du Sud (Argentine, Chili, Pérou, Uruguay), Suède, Suisse, Tchécoslovaquie. Mouvements coopératifs, non encore officiellement affiliés: Afrique occidentale, Afrique orientale, Antilles, Cuba, Egypte, îles Fidji, Grèce, Guyane britannique, Irak, Kénia, Lettonie, Madagascar, Malaisie, Mexique, Nigeria, Palestine, Pologne, Porto-Rico, Roumanie, Siam, Syrie et Liban, Turquie, Yougoslavie. Nombre total des membres: environ 1.530.000 (HB 1936).
National Alliances in Union of South Africa, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Chosen, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Iceland, Irish Free State, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippine Islands, Portugal, South America (Argentine, Chile, Peru, Uruguay), Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United States of America and Yugoslavia. Movements not yet officially affiliated: Antilles, Barbados, British Guiana, Cuba, East Africa, Egypt, Federated Malay States, Fiji Islands, Greece, Iraq, Kenya, Latvia, Madagascar, Mexico, Netherlands Indies, Nigeria, Palestine, Polaiid, Porto Rico, Roumania, Siam, Sierra Leone, Syria and Iibya, Turkey and West Africa. The total number of members is approximately 1,640,000. (HB 1938)
(since 1929)
(since 1936)
(since 1921)
(since 1921)
(since 1938)
(since 1921)
(since 1921)
British Guiana
(since 1936)
(since 1921)
(since 1921)
(since 1936)
(since 1921)
(since 1921)
(since 1921)
East Africa
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
Fiji Islands
(since 1929)
(since 1921)
(since 1921)
(since 1921)
(since 1929)
(since 1921)
(since 1921)
(since 1921)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1921)
(since 1921)
Kenya Colony
(since 1936)
Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia
(since 1936)
(since 1929)
(since 1938)
(since 1929)
Malay States
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
Netherland Indies
(since 1938)
(since 1921)
New Zealand
(since 1921)
(since 1929)
(since 1921)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1921)
Puerto Rico
(since 1929)
Republic of Cuba
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1936)
Sierra Leone
(since 1938)
South Africa
South America
(since 1921)
(since 1921)
(since 1921)
(since 1936)
(since 1921)
Union of South Africa
(since 1936)
United Kingdom
(since 1921)
United States of America
(since 1921)
(since 1923)
West Africa
(since 1929)
(since 1936)
Unir les Unions chrétiennes de jeunes gens du monde entier. Le Comité universel sert d'intermédiaire entre les Unions chrétiennes pour toutes questions internationales et c'occupe de tout ce qui concerne leur développment.
To unite the National Alliances of Young Men's Christian Associations throughout
the world. The World's Committee acts as a co-ordinating agency between national
movements, and, through research, publications, conferences and field service, concerns
itself with the development of existing movements and the occupation of new fields (HB 1929).
Grouper les Alliances nationales d'associations chrétiennes de jeunes gens du monde entier. Le Comité universel sert d'organe de coordination entre les unions nationales; en outre, par des études, des publications, des conférences et des travaux pratiques, il assiste les alliances nationales et, d'une manière générale, travaille au développement du mouvement (HB 1936).
To unite the National Alliances of Young Men's Christian Unions throughout the world. The World's Committee acts as a co-ordinating agency between national movements, and, through research, publications, conferences and practical work, it assists the National Alliances, and, generally, concerns itself with the development of the movement. (HB 1938)
Contributions des coités nationaux et des membres. Recettes de 1920: 118.788 francs; dépenses: 121.378 francs (HB 1921). Recettes en 1922 : 148.513,72 francs; dépenses 150.450,65 francs (HB 1923). Recettes en 1924: 192.004,01 francs; dépenses: 214.163,30 francs (HB 1925).
Subscriptions from National Councils and from members and friends. Budget
expenditure in 1927, 299,229 francs (HB 1929).
Cotisations des Conseils nationaux, des membres et des sympathisants. Dépenses budgétaires en 1934 : 155.000 francs suisses (HB 1936).
Subscriptions from National Councils and from members and friends. Budget expenditure in 1937, 175,800 Swiss francs. (HB 1938)
General facts
En 1855, fédération de 322 unions avec 27.860 membres. En 178, la Conférence de Genève créa le Comié universel; en 1878, il y avait 2.500 uninos avec 130.000 membres; en 1920, 8.789 unions avec 1.303.918 membres. Au 1er janvier 1925: 9.444 unions avec 1.590.778 membres.
In 1855, the Alliance consisted of 322 associations, with 27,860 members;
in 1878 (the year of the foundation of the World's Committee), of 2,500 associations,
with 130,000 members; on January 1st, 1928, of 10,034 associations, with 1,558,893
members (HB 1929).
En 1855, l'Alliance comprenait 322 associations, comptant 27.860 membres; en 1878 (année de la fondation du Comité universel), 2.500 associations, comptant 130.000 membres; le Ier janvier 1934 : 10.744 associations, comptant 1.534.363 membres (HB 1936).
In 1855, the Alliance consisted of 322 associations, with 27,860 members; in 1878 (the year of the foundation of the World's Committee), of 2,500 associations, with 130,000 members; on January 1st, 1936, of 9,893 associations, with 1,640,949 members. (HB 1938)
Publication de la revue trimestrielle La Sphère (en trois langues) et la Correspondance mensuelle (également en trois
langues), d'une série de volumes sur l'oeuvre unioniste et sur les divers aspects de la vie chrétienne, surtout au point de vue des jeunes gens, liste annuelle des U.C. J. G. dans les principales localités du monde, statistiques, brochures sur l'oeuvre unioniste dans le monde.
World's Youth (in three languages) (HB 1929).
« World's Youth, Facing a World Crisis », rapport à la vingtième Conférence universelle ; « Youth's Adventure with God », rapport de la vingtième Conférence universelle (HB 1936).
World's Youth, Quarterly Review, Information Service, WeltbundNachrichtendienst, monthly periodicals, Youth in the New World and Flaming Milestone. Minutes published on the occasion of the twentieth and twenty-first World Conferences.(HB 1938)
18 conférences universelles depuis 1855. Ouevre parmi les prisonniers de guerre et les émigrants; publication de journaux.
Sessions plénières annuelles à l'exception des années
de guerre.
Organisation de conférences régionales (par groupes de pays), de chefs de file; visites de secrétaires; organisation et transmission de secours des «pays forts» aux «pays faibles». (HB 1923)
World conferences: nineteenth held in Helsinki, Finland, 1926, and twentieth to
be held in United States of America, 1931. Specialised conferences : Portschach,
Austria, for workers among boys, 1923 ; Cassel, Germany, for workers among high-
school students, 1927. International Camps : Europe six, Far East one. Meetings
of the plenary, bi-annually ; meetings of the executive, semi-annually ; publications.
Information service and article service (in three languages) ; annual directory, listing
principal associations of the world ; two series of six booklets each, for boys and young
men, on the World's Study of Jesus ; special pamphlets upon high-school work,
emigration work, work with industrial boys, etc (HB 1929).
Conférences universelles; la dix-neuvième a été tenue à Helsinki, Finlande, en 1926, et la vingtième, aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique, en 1931. Conférences spéciales : conférences régionales, cours d'instruction des chefs, camps internationaux; semaine de prière. Réunion de l'Assemblée générale une fois tous les deux ans. Réunion de la Commission executive tous les six mois; publications : World's Youth (publication trimestrielle) ; service de renseignements et service d'articles (en trois langues) ; annuaire ; liste des principales associations du monde, etc. (HB 1936)
World conferences : the nineteenth held in Finland, 1926, the twentieth in the United States of America in 1931, and the twenty-first in India in 1937. Special conferences: regional conferences, courses of instruction of leaders, international camps ; prayer week. Meeting of the Committee every two years. Meeting of the Executive Commission every six months; publications : World's Youth; information service and article service (in three languages); year-book, lists of principal associations of the world, etc. (HB 1938)