Federation of International Semi-Official and Private Institutions Established at Geneva
Federation of International Semi-Official and Private Institutions Established at Geneva, Fédération des Institutions Internationales Semi-Officielles et Privées Établies à Génève
Founded: 1929
HB 1936, HB 1938
Bureau of the Federation.
Relationships with other Organisations
Veiller aux intérêts communs des institutions membres en ce qui concerne leurs activités à Genève et rechercher les solutions que soulèvent ces activités. Chaque institution garde toutefois son entière indépendance en ce qui concerne son travail et sa politique.
(HB 1936)
To watch over the common interests of member institutions as far as con-cerns their activities at Geneva, and to seek the solutions necessitated by these activities. Each institution, however, keeps its entire independence as regards its work and policy.
(HB 1938)