International Federation of the Technical and Professional Press

International Federation of the Technical and Professional Press, Internationaler Verband der Fachpresse, Fédération Internationale de la Presse Technique et Professionelle, Federazione Internazionale della Stampa Tecnica e Periodica, International Federation of the Periodical and Technical and Professional Press, Federacion Internacional de la Prensa Tecnica
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Founded: 1925
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


HB 1929: Executive Committee for 1929: HB 1936: Comité exécutif pour l'année 1935-36: HB 1938: Executive Committee for the year 1937:
  • César Ancey Honorary Assistant General Secretary (Secretary General) 1929
  • W. Bischoff Vice President 1936
  • Géo Bloch Honorary General Treasurer (Treasurer) 1929-1936
  • Dr. Böppeli/Boppli Vice President 1936
  • A. Bosc Vice President 1936-1938 / President 1938
  • G. Colica Honorary Assistant General Treasurer (Treasurer) 1929
  • T. Colomina Chairman (President) 1929-1936 : Chairman of the Executive Committee. / Vice President 1936
  • H. Degener Member of a Committee 1938
  • O. Fischer Vice Chairman (Vice President) 1929 : Executive Committee
  • R. Gasquet Honorary General Treasurer (Treasurer) 1936
  • Dr. Giovanoli Vice Chairman (Vice President) 1929-1936 : Executive Committee
  • P. Gourlay Administrative Secretary (Secretary) 1936
  • E. Greiffenhagen Vice Chairman (Vice President) 1929-1936 : Executive Committee
  • A. Hoffmann Member of a Committee 1936
  • E. Jutassy Vice President 1936
  • H. Mounier Vice Chairman (Vice President) 1929-1936 : Executive Committee
  • J. Nedved Member of a Committee 1936
  • A. Pawlowski Vice Chairman (Vice President) 1929-1936 : Executive Committee / President 1936-1938 / Vice President 1938
  • G. Rodriguez Vice President 1938
  • Dr. A. Stievenard Vice President 1936
  • Filippo Tajani Vice Chairman (Vice President) 1929 : Executive Committee
  • Urbain J. Thuau Honorary General Secretary (Secretary General) 1929
  • H. Worms Archivist 1929-1936


Members in these countries

HB 1929: Technical journals and reviews published in the following and other countries: HB 1936/38: Sections nationales en/National sections in:
Austria (since 1929) , Belgium (since 1936) , Bulgaria (since 1936) , Cuba (since 1936) , Czechoslovakia (since 1929) , Denmark (since 1929) , France (1929-1936) , France (since 1938) , Germany (since 1929) , Hungary (since 1929) , Italy (since 1929) , Netherlands (since 1929) , Poland (since 1929) , Spain (since 1929) , Switzerland (since 1929) , United Kingdom (1929-1936) ,



HB 1929: The exchange of publications between members of the association; the study, from the international point of view, of all economic and legal questions affecting the technical and professional Press. HB 1936: Assurer la défense des intérêts généraux de la presse technique sous toutes ses formes, c'est-à-dire de toutes les publications techniques, scientifiques, techno-juridiques, économiques, industrielles, commerciales, agricoles, financières, ne s'occupant pas de questions politiques; créer un lien professionnel international de solidarité entre ses membres; augmenter ainsi leur influence, leur autorité et leur documentation mutuelle et leur prêter, en toute circonstance, appui et concours. HB 1938: To safeguard the general interests of the technical Press in all its branches, that is to say, all technical publications and periodicals dealing with science, economics, sociology, industry, commerce, agriculture, law, history, art, literature, sport, etc., and not with political questions ; to create an international professional link of fellowship between its members; to increase their influence and their authority and extend their general documentary material and to support and assist them in all circumstances.


HB 1936: Souscription annuelle fixée actuellement pour les membres effectifs à 20 francs-or et pour les membres donateurs à 100 francs-or au minimum. HB 1938: The annual(?) subscription is at present fixed at 20 gold francs for full members and a minimum of 100 gold francs for donor members.


HB 1936: Comptes rendus in extenso des réunions et travaux des congrès. HB 1938: Official Bulletin and verbatim records of the meetings and proceedings of congresses.


HB 1929: All the members of the Association meet in international congress once a year. Reports are presented and information bureaux are called upon to undertake a permanent study of all questions affecting the technical and professional Press. The first International Congress was held at Paris in 1925, the second at Rome in 1926, the third at Berlin in 1927, and the fourth at Geneva in 1928. HB 1936: La Fédération a tenu jusqu'ici huit congrès internationaux: Paris 1925, Rome 1926, Berlin 1927, Genève 1928, Barcelone et Madrid 1929, Bruxelles 1930, Vienne 1933, Varsovie 1935. Elle tient en dehors de ses congrès internationaux, des réunions du Comité exécutif chaque fois qu'elle le juge opportun pour trancher des questions ou résoudre des problèmes importants touchant la vie de la Fédération ou les buts qui lui sont imposés parles Statuts. HB 1938: The Federation has held eight international congresses up to the present: Paris 1925, Rome 1926, Berlin 1927, Geneva 1928, Barcelona and Madrid 1929, Brussels 1930, Vienna 1933, Warsaw 1935. In addition to international congresses, it holds meetings of the Executive Committee whenever it thinks fit, to settle questions or solve important problems affecting the Federation's affairs or the aims imposed on it by the Statutes.