Central Council of International Touring

Central Council of International Touring, Conseil Central du Tourisme International
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Founded: 20/2/1925
Sources: HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


The Managing Board, composed of one representative from each association and Government. (HB 1929) The officers are responsible for carrying out the decisions of the Managing Board and the general meetings, and also undertake all the administrative work of the Central Council. (HB 1938)


Members in these countries

administrations gouvernementales et des représentants des associations du tourisme de ces pays (HB 1925) Government departments and representatives of tourists' associations in the following countries: (HB 1929) Font actuellement partie du Conseil central du Tourisme international les administrations gouvernementales des pays suivants : Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Cuba, Egypte, Espagne, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Italie, Luxembourg, Maroc, Mexique, Monaco (Principauté de), Pays-Bas, Pologne, Roumanie, Suède, Suisse, Tchécoslovaquie, Tunisie, Uruguay, Yougoslavie; et les associations touristiques des pays ci-après : Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Royaume-Uni, Danemark, Egypte, Espagne, Erats-Unis d'Amérique, Finlande, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Italie, Luxembourg, Monaco (Principauté de), Norvège, Palestine, Pays-Bas, Pérou, Pologne, Roumanie, Suède, Suisse, Tchécoslovaquie, Turquie; ainsi que les associations internationales, suivantes : Alliance internationale de tourisme ; Association internationale des Automobile-clubs reconnus; Union internationale des Chemins de fer; Fédération internationale des Agences de voyage; Union internationale pour l'émission de billets à coupons combinés; Association des grandes organisations touristiques; Alliance internationale de l'Hôtellerie; Union internationale des organes officiels de propagande touristique. (HB 1936) At the present time, the Government departments of the following countries are members: and the following international associations are also members: International Touring Association; International Association of Recognised Automobile Clubs; International Railway Union; International Federation of Travel Agencies; International Union for the Issue of Combined Coupon Tickets; Association of the Major Tourist Organisations; International Hotel Alliance; International Union of Official Organs of Tourist Propaganda; International Aeronautic Federation. (HB 1938)
Austria (since 1925) , Belgium (since 1925) , Cuba (since 1929) , Czechoslovakia (since 1925) , Denmark (since 1925) , Egypt (since 1925) , Finland (1925-1938) , France (since 1925) , Germany (since 1929) , Greece (since 1925) , Hungary (since 1925) , Italy (since 1925) , Jerusalem (1925-1929) , Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia (1925-1936) , Luxembourg (since 1929) , Mexico (since 1929) , Monaco (since 1925) , Morocco (since 1929) , Netherlands (since 1925) , Norway (1925-1938) , Poland (since 1925) , Romania (since 1925) , Spain (since 1925) , Sweden (since 1925) , Switzerland (since 1925) , Tunisia (1936-1938) , Turkey (since 1936) , United Kingdom (since 1925) , United States of America (since 1925) , Uruguay (1925-1938) , Yugoslavia (1936-1938) ,



l'étude de toutes les questions relatives : 1° au perfectionnement de l'organisation générale du tourisme international, ainsi qu'aux directions à donner pour le but à atteindre par une action concertée; 2° à la coordination des efforts des groupements de tourisme avec ceux des représentants des hautes administrations gouvernementales, et, éventuellement avec ceux des organismes et groupements d'ordre commercial et industriel directement intéressés à l'exploitation du voyage dégagé de tout autre objectif que le voyage lui-même. (HB 1925) The study of questions concerning: a) the improvement of the general organisation of international tourist traffic and also the lines to be followed in concerted action ; (b) co-operation between tourists' associations and representatives of Government departments, and, where necessary, commercial and industrial organisations and groups directly interested in travel. (HB 1929) The joint study of all questions concerning: (1) the improvement of the general organisation of international tourist traffic, and also the lines to be followed in concerted action; (2) co-operation between tourist associations and representatives of Government departments, and, where necessary, commercial and industrial organisations and groups directly interested in travel for its own sake with no ulterior object. The Central Council refrains from any action that might compete with the activities of national associations or international groups of such associations, all of which retain their complete independence and full powers. (HB 1938)


cotisations annuelles des associations et subventions versées par les gouvernements. (HB 1925) The Central Council obtains its income from the annual subscriptions of the associations, and from Government grants. (HB 1938)

General facts

l'Assemblée constitutive du Conseil central eut lieu à Paris du 18 au 20 février 1925 (HB 1925) The Constituent Assembly of the Central Council met at Paris in 1925. The last general meeting took place at Brussels in 1928. (HB 1929) The Constituent Assembly, which was attended by about a hundred delegates from twenty-five different countries, was held in February 1925 at the Ministry of Public Works in Paris. Subsequent Assemblies took place at Paris, Brussels, Budapest, Cairo, Cracow and Rome (1936). (HB 1938)


réunion du comité directeur au moins une fois par an; réunion de l'assemblée ordinaire du Conseil central tous les deux ans. (HB 1925) A meeting of the Managing Board at least once a year; an ordinary meeting at least once every second year. The Central Council has organised in Paris an International Tourist Information Bureau, at 152, Boulevard Haussmann. (HB 1929) A meeting of the Managing Board at least once a year, and an ordinary general meeting of the Central Council every year— in principle, every other year at Paris An International Tourist Information Bureau has been established at the seat of the Central Council. (HB 1938)
