International Police Federation

International Police Federation, Internationale Federation der Polizeibeamten, Fédération Internationale des Fonctionnaires de Police, Internationale Federatie van Politiepersoneel, Internationella Polisfederationen
Mark for connection search

Founded: 1927
Sources: HB 1936, HB 1938


Executive Committee
  • Knut Th. Beijer Member of the Executive Committee (Member of a Committee) 1938
  • Achille Hoste Member of the Executive Committee (Member of a Committee) 1936
  • Adrian Leewis Member of the Executive Committee (Member of a Committee) 1936
  • O. J. Madsen Member of the Executive Committee (Member of a Committee) 1938
  • Albert Raehm Secretary General 1936
  • H. Roemming Member of the Executive Committee (Member of a Committee) 1936-1938
  • Pierre Vidal Member of the Executive Committee (Member of a Committee) 1938


Members in these countries

Belgique (6.000 membres), Danemark (1.450), France (10.000), Norvège (1.057), Pays-Bas (2.100), Suède (3.400). HB 1938: Belgium (6,000 members), Denmark (2,551), France (25,310), the Netherlands (2,100) Norway (1,057), Sweden (3,400).
Belgium (since 1936) , Denmark (since 1936) , France (since 1936) , Netherlands (since 1936) , Norway (since 1936) , Sweden (since 1936) ,



Sauvegarder les intérêts économiques, sociaux et moraux du personnel de la police; pratiquer et faire progresser la science policière; faciliter les relations internationales entre les autorités et le personnel de la police. HB 1938: To safeguard the economic, social and moral interests of police personnel ; to practise and further scientific police methods; to facilitate international relations between police authorities and staffs.


0,25 francs français par membre et par an.

General facts

Depuis la première réunion (Utrecht, 1920), de nombreuses sessions du Comité exécutif ont eu Heu dans les différents pays affiliés. Deux congrès ont également eu lieu : à Deauville (France), en 1928 et à Cologne, en 1930. HB 1938: Many meetings of the Executive Committee have been held in the various affiliated countries since the first meeting (Utrecht 1920). Two Congresses have also been held, one at DeauviUe (France) in 1928 and the other at Cologne in 1930. The last Congress was held in April 1937 in Stockholm.


Le Comité exécutif se réunit tous les ans, le Congrès tous les deux ans. HB 1938: The Executive Committee meets every year and the Congress every two years.
