Phoebe Hatsu Imajo

Mark for connection search
1900-9-1 1/9/1900 (in United States of America )


Roles in Organisations

  • LoN Pool : LoN Shorthand Typist (LoN Second Division) (8/9/1931-31/7/1933)   


  • United States of America 1/9/1900
  • Ehime: Japan 1921-1921 (Teacher of the Government TTwajima Girls*School in Ehime Prefecture.- (Beaign in 1922 to enter the Japan Women* a flniversity)
  • Tokyo: Japan 1927-1927 (1927 worked in the Y.M.C.A. in Tokyo and Gotemba as temporary Secretary for the Summer Conference and Annual Meetings)
  • Japan 1928-1928 (for 1928 Secretary in the Japanese League of Nations Association; Travelling Secretary t a Member of House of Peera who attended the International Commercial Conference and )
  • Geneva : Switzerland 8/9/1931-31/7/1933 (Secretary-Shorthand-Typist, Office of the Uhder- Seeretary-General in charge of Political Section. International Parliamentary Conference held in Paris and Berlin. from 1929: Teacher of English in St. Agnes Girls'School in Kyoto?)