Adrien Jean Gabriel Marie Joseph Robinet de Cléry

Mark for connection search
1891-8-24 24/8/1891 (in Paris: France )

Nationality: French

Roles in Organisations

  • LoN Pool : LoN French Translator (LoN First Division) (23/2/1931-2/4/1931)   


  • Paris: France 24/8/1891
  • Berlin: Germany 1920-1921 (Chef de Service on Upper Silesian Commission; attaché a la Delegation du Comité des garanties )
  • Unspecified -1930 (Chef de Service, Office des Payements de Reparations)
  • Unspecified 1917-1919 (After the War, a mission on behalf of the French Ministry de I'lnstructio Publique in connection with refugees from Alsace in Switzerland)