Rotary International

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Founded: 23/2/1905
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


HB 1929: A Board of Directors composed of a president, three vice-presidents and eight directors. HB 1936: A Council of Administration consisting of one president, three vice-presidents and ten directors. HB 1938: A Board of Directors composed of a chairman, three vice-chairmen and ten directors.



HB 1929: To encourage and foster the ideal of service as the basis of all worthy enterprise; high ethical standards in business and professions; the advancement of understanding, goodwill and international peace through a world fellowship of business and professional . men united in the ideal of service, etc. HB 1936: Mettre tous les actes importants de la vie sous l'inspiration de l'idéal « servir »; établir un niveau moral élevé dans les professions commerciales et libérales; favoriser la compréhension, la bonne entente et la paix internationales en organisant dans le monde entier des relations fraternelles entre les hommes d'affaires et ceux des professions libérales unis dans le même idéal «servir ». HB 1938: To encourage and foster the ideal of service as the basis of all worthy enterprise ; high ethical standards in business and professions; the advancement of understand¬ ing, goodwill and international peace through a world fellowship of business and professional men united in the ideal of service.


HB 1929: Each Rotary Club pays to Rotary International an annual per-capita tax of §4.50. HB 1936: Chaque Rotary Club verse au Rotary international une taxe annuelle de 4,50 dollars par membre. Hb 1938: Each Rotary Club pays to Rotary International an annual per - capita tax of $4.50.

General facts

HB 1929: The first club was formed in Chicago in 1905. The first sixteen clubs formed an association in 1910, which became an international association in 1912. HB 1936: Le premier club a été constitué à Chicago en 1905. Les seize premiers clubs formèrent, en 1910, une association, devenue internationale en 1912.


HB 1929: The Rotarian. HB 1936: The Rotarian, Revista Rotaria. HB 1938: The Rotarian, Revista Rotaria.


HB 1929: The annual international convention is the legislative body of Rotary International. The various Rotary Clubs are organised into districts or areas, each of which holds its annual conference for the purpose of furthering acquaintance and ensuring a larger co-operation in the pursuit of the objects of Rotary. The international board encourages and assists the individual Rotary Clubs in those activities which promote the six objects of Rotary. HB 1936: L'Assemblée internationale annuelle est l'organisme législatif du Rotary international. Les divers Rotary Clubs sont répartis en districts ou régions, et chacun d'eux tient une conférence annuelle pour mieux faire connaître les buts visés par le Rotary et développer la coopération dans la poursuite de son idéal. Le Conseil international encourage et aide les divers Rotary Clubs dans ces activités, qui ont pour but d'assurer la réalisation des six objets que se propose le Rotary international. HB 1938: The annual international convention is the legislative body of Rotary International. The various Rotary Clubs are organised into districts or areas, each of which holds its annual conference for the purpose of furthering acquaintance and ensuring a larger co-operation in the pursuit of the objects of Rotary. The international board encourages and assists the individual Rotary Clubs in those activities which promote the six objects of Rotary.
