International Committee for Family Life

International Committee for Family Life, Comité International pour la Vie et la Famille, International League for Family Life
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Founded: 1/9/1927
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


The Presidency of the League alternates each year between of the Presidents of the affiliated associations. (HB 1936) The Chairmanship of the League is filled in turn, for a year, by the chairman of one of the affiliated associations. (HB 1938)
  • Hans Conrad Vice Chairman (Vice President) 1929-1936
  • Auguste Isaac Chairman (President) 1929-1936 / Honorary President (President) 1936 : "Chairman for 1937-1938" (HB 1938)
  • Lemercier President 1936-1938
  • Dr. McCann Vice Chairman (Vice President) 1929-1936
  • W. Stuewe Honorary Chairman (President) 1938
  • Vieuille General Secretary (Secretary General) 1929


Members in these countries

HB 1936: Associations dans les pays ci-après : Allemagne : Reichsbund der Kinderreichen Deutschlands zum Schutze der Familie; Autriche : Österreichischer Verband Familienschutz; Belgique : Ligue des Familles nombreuses de Belgique(150.000 membres); Royaume-Uni : League of National Life; Espagne : Confederation Catolica Nacional de Padres de Familia; Etats-Unis d'Amérique : National Council of Catholic Men; France : Alliance nationale pour l'Accroissement de la Population française (40.000 membres; Fédération des Associations de Familles nombreuses de France (350.000 membres); Italie : Comité italien pour l'étude des problèmes de la population; Pays-Bas : R. K. Bond voor groote Gezinnen; Suisse : Secrétariat romand d'Hygiène sociale et morale. HB 1938: Associations in the following countries: Austria: Oesterreichischer Verband Familienschutz ; Belgium: Ligue des Families nombreuses de Belgique (160,006 members); France: Alliance nationale contre la depopulation (40,000 members); Federation des Associations de Families Nombreuses de France (350,000 members); Germany: Reichsbund der Kinderreichen Deutschlands zum Schutze der Familie; United Kingdom : League of National Life; Italy: Italian Committee for the Study of Population Questions ; Netherlands : R.K. Bond voor groote Gezinnen; Spain: Confederacion Catolica Nacional de Padres de Familia \ Switzerland: Secretariat Romand d'Hygiene Sociale et Morale; Familienschutz-Kommission, Zurich; United States of America: National Council of Catholic Men.
Austria (since 1936) , Belgium (since 1929) , France (since 1929) , Germany (since 1929) , Italy (since 1936) , Netherlands (since 1929) , Spain (since 1929) , Switzerland (since 1938) , United Kingdom (since 1929) , United States of America (since 1929) ,



To uphold the rights of the family, especially the large family, and to defend it against any tendency that may threaten its existence. Maintenir les droits de la famille et notamment des familles nombreuses et les défendre contre toute tendance susceptible de menacer leur existence. (HB 1936) To uphold the rights of the family, especially the large family, and to defend it against any tendency that may threaten its existence. (HB 1938)


Procès-verbaux des congrès. (HB 1936) Proceedings of Congresses. (HB 1938)


The Committee has held several meetings at Paris, and in 1928 it held its first international conference at Paris. La Ligue internationale tient un congrès tous les ans. Des réunions ont déjà eu lieu à Paris (1928); Nimègue (1929); Anvers (1930); Cologne (1931); Londres (1932); Paris (1933); La Haye (1934). (HB 1936) The International League hold a Congress every year. Meetings have already taken place in Paris (1928); Nimeguen (1929); Antwerp (1930); Cologne (1931); London (1932); Paris (1933); The Hague (1934); Brussels (1935); Luxemburg (1936); Paris (1937). (HB 1938)
