International Elbe Commission

International Elbe Commission, Commission Internationale de l'Elbe
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Founded: 28/6/1919
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


The Presidency is held by each of the members in turn. (HB 1929) La présidence est exercée par chacun des membres suivant un tour de rôle arrêté par la Commission. (HB 1936) The presidency is held by each of the members in turn, as determined by the Commission. (HB 1938)
  • Choleva Assistant Secretary General (Secretary General) 1929-1936 / Secretary General 1936
  • Goes Assistant Secretary General (Secretary General) 1936-1938
  • Douglas W. Keane President 1936 : United Kingdom Delegate. A secretariat is maintained at the seat of the Commission. (HB 1938)
  • Krönig President 1929-1936 : President from the ordinary session of February 1929 to that of 1930
  • Otto-Günther von Wesendonck Secretary General 1929-1936


Members in these countries

Four representatives of the German States bordering on the Elbe; further representatives of the following countries:
Belgium , Czechoslovakia , France , Germany , Italy , United Kingdom ,


To supervise the freedom of navigation, the maintenance in good order of the navigable channel, and the improvement of that channel; to pronounce upon complaints arising out of the application of the Convention instituting the Statute of Navigation of the Elbe and likewise of the regulations which it contemplates, etc.; and, in general, to exercise the powers arising out of the provisions of the Convention. (HB 1929) Veiller au maintien de la liberté de navigation et au bon état d'entretien de la voie navigable ainsi qu'à l'amélioration de cette voie; se prononcer sur les plaintes auxquelles donne lieu l'application des conventions mentionnées ci-dessus ainsi que des règlements qu'elles prévoient; en général, exercer les attributions résultant des stipulations desdites conventions. La Commission est instance d'appel pour les tribunaux de navigation de l'Elbe. (HB 1936) To supervise the freedom of navigation the maintenance in good order of the navigable channel, and the improvement of that channel; to pronounce upon complaints arising out of the application of the above-mentioned Conventions and of the regulations which they contemplate; and, in general, to exercise the powers arising out of the provisions of those Conventions. The Commission acts as a Court of Appeal from the Elbe navigation tribunals. (HB 1938)


Each member pays annually 6,680 Reichsmarks. For the current financial year, the budget amounts to 72,900 marks. (HB 1929) Les dépenses générales de la Commission sont réparties entre les Etats représentés, proportionnellement au nombre des délégués auquel ils ont droit. Le budget annuel est arrêté par la Commission. (HB 1936) The general expenses of the Commission are shared among the States represented, in proportion to the number of delegates to which they are entitled. The annual budget is drawn up by the Commission. (HB 1938)

General facts

Since its constitution in 1920, the International Commission of the Elbe has held sixteen sessions (nine obligatory and seven optional). (HB 1929) Depuis son institution, la Commission internationale de l'Elbe a tenu vingt-neuf sessions. Elle a établi plusieurs règlements visant la navigation de l'Elbe dont il y a lieu de souligner notamment le Règlement de police de la navigation sur l'Elbe, entré en vigueur le Ier novembre 1933. En outre, elle a pris part à différentes réunions internationales ayant trait à la navigation. (HB 1936) Since its constitution the International Commission of the Elbe has held thirty-four sessions. It has drawn up a number of regulations relating to navigation on the Elbe, in particular the Police Navigation Rules which came into force on November 1st, 1933. It has also taken part in a number of international meetings relating to navigation. On November 14th, 1936, Germany stated that she no longer regarded as binding upon her the clauses contained in the Treaty of Versailles regarding navigable waterways situated in German territory and that she ceased all co-operation with the River Commissions established in virtue of the Versailles Treaty. (HB 1938)


"Monthly News Bulletin." (HB 1929) Rapport annuel sur les conditions de la navigation et l'état de navigabilité de l'Elbe; Bulletin d'information mensuel du Bureau, destiné à l'usage des délégations. (HB 1936) An annual report on the traffic conditions and the state of navigability of the Elbe. The Bureau publishes a monthly information Bulletin for the use of delegations (HB 1938)


The International Commission of the Elbe normally holds two ordinary sessions a year, whereof one is obligatory and the other optional. It further assembles in extraordinary session, either on the initiative of its President or in response to a demand put forward by at least two delegations. (HB 1929) La Commission internationale de l'Elbe tient normalement deux sessions ordinaires par an, dont une est obligatoire et l'autre facultative. Elle se réunit, en outre, en session extraordinaire, soit sur l'initiative de son Président, soit sur une demande formulée par deux délégations au moins. (HB 1936)
