International Commission of the Danube

International Commission of the Danube, Commission Internationale du Danube
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Founded: 19/6/1920
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


The representatives of these States hold the Presidency in alphabetical order for a period of six months begining on January 1st and July 1st of each year. (HB 1929) Les représentants des Etats ci-dessus sont appelés à prendre la présidence, pour la durée d'un semestre, d'après un roulement alphabétique, le Ier janvier et le Ier juillet de chaque année. (HB 1936)


Members in these countries

The representatives of the following countries: (HB 1929) Representatives of Governments signatories to the Treaties instituting the Commission. (HB 1938)
Austria (1929-1938) , Bavaria (1929-1938) , Bulgaria (1929-1938) , Czechoslovakia (1929-1938) , France (1929-1938) , Hungary (1929-1938) , Italy (1929-1938) , Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia (1929-1936) , Romania (1929-1938) , United Kingdom (1929-1938) , Württemberg (1929-1938) , Yugoslavia (1936-1938) ,


The Commission is responsible that no obstacle is placed on the navigation of that portion of the Danube which is under its authority, that all Powers are treated on a footing of complete equality and, generally, that the international character of the river system of the Danube suffers no prejudice. (HB 1929) La Commission veille à ce qu'aucun obstacle quelconque ne soit mis, du fait d'un ou de plusieurs Etats, à la libre navigation du fleuve, à ce que tant pour le passage que pour l'usage des ports, de leurs installations et de leur outillage, les ressortissants, les biens et les pavillons de toutes les puissances soient traitées sur le pied d'une parfaite égalité et que, d'une manière générale, à ce qu'aucune atteinte ne soit portée au caractère international que les Traités ont assigné au réseau internationalisé du Danube. (HB 1936) The Commission is responsible for seeing that no obstacle shall be placed, by one or more States, to the navigation of the river, whether passage or the use of ports, their installation and equipment; that the nationals, property and flags of all the Powers shall be treated on a footing of absolute equality and that, in general, the international character assigned by the Treaties to the river system of the Danube shall suffer no prejudice. (HB 1938)


Contributions of the States represented on the Commission.

General facts

Between June 1920 and November 1928 the Commission has held twenty plenary sessions, including two extraordinary sessions. It drew up river police regulations which were put into force on November 1st, 1927. It organised a service of hydrometric intelligence and information for navigators. It investigated several schemes for works on the Danube. It administers the section of the Danube between Turnu-Severin and Moldova, known as the Iron Gates and Cataracts. (HB 1929) La Commission a tenu, de juin 1920 à novembre 1928, vingt sessions plénières, dont deux extraordinaires. Elle a élaboré un règlement de police de la navigation mis en vigueur le Ier novembre 1927. Elle a organisé le service de renseignements hydrométriques et des avis aux navigateurs. Elle a examiné plusieurs projets de travaux sur le Danube. Elle administre le secteur du Danube compris entre Turn-Severin et Moldova, dit des Portes de Fer et des Cataractes. (HB 1936) Between June 1920 and December 1936 the Commission held forty-one plenary sessions, including five extraordinary sessions. It drew up river-police regulations which were put into force on November 1st, 1927. It organised a service of hydrometric intelligence and information for navigators. It examined several schemes for works on the Danube. It administers the section of the Danube between Turnu-Several and Moldova, known as the Iron Gates and Cataracts. On November 14th, 1936, Germany stated that she no longer regarded as binding upon her the clauses contained in the Treaty of Versailles regarding navigable waterways situated in German territory and that she ceased all co-operation with the River Commissions established in virtue of the Versailles Treaty. (HB 1938)


Two plenary sessions in the second and fourth quarters of each year; monthly meetings of an Executive Committee. (HB 1929) Deux sessions plénières au cours du deuxième et du quatrième semestre de chaque année : réunions mensuelles du Comité exécutif. (HB 1936)
