Educational Workers' International
Educational Workers' International, Internationale der Bildungsarbeiter, Internationale des Travailleurs de l'Enseignement
Founded: 1920
HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938
International Congress, Executive Committee and General Secretariat.
Congrès international; Comité exécutif et Secrétariat général.
Relationships with other Organisations
Members in these countries
Trade-union organisations in the following countries, as well as individual members in almost all other countries. These individual members have formed associated groups and committees in support of the Educational Workers' International in the Argentine, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Ecuador, Germany, Greece, India, Mexico, Peru, the Scandinavian countries, Kongdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, and the United States of America (800,000 members). (HB 1929)
Organisations syndicales dans les pays suivants: Royaume-Uni, Bulgarie, Chine, Chili, Espagne, France, Luxembourg, Mexique, Portugal, Union des Républiques soviétiques socialistes et Uruguay, ainsi que membres isolés dans presque tous les autres pays. Ces membres isolés ont formé des groupements et comités qui soutiennent l'Internationale des travailleurs de l'enseignement dans les pays suivants : Allemagne, Argentine, Autriche, Brésil, Equateur, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Grèce, Inde, Pays-Bas, Pérou, les pays Scandinaves et la Yougoslavie (groupant 800.000 membres). (HB 1936)
Trade-Union organisations in Bulgaria, Chile, China, Mexico, Spain and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as well as individual members in almost all other countries. These individual members have formed associated groups and committees in support of the Educational Workers' International in the Argentine, Austria, Brazil, Ecuador, Germany, Greece, India, the Netherlands, Peru, the Scandinavian countries, United States of America and Yugoslavia (800,000 members). (HB 1938)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia
(since 1929)
(since 1936)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
(since 1929)
United Kingdom
United States of America
(since 1929)
(since 1936)
To combine all national organisations of educational workers into a single international trade-union organisation to use its utmost endeavours to improve the material and moral position of educational and school workers. (HB 1929, HB 1938)
Réunir toutes les organisations nationales de travailleurs de l'enseignement en une seule organisation syndicale internationale; s'efforcer d'améliorer la situation matérielle et morale des travailleurs de l'enseignement et des instituteurs. (HB 1936)
The income is derived from members' subscriptions. Annual expenditure, 300,000 francs. (HB 1929)
Les ressources proviennent des cotisations des membres. Dépenses annuelles: 125.000 francs français. (HB 1936)
An income derived from members' subscriptions. Annual expenditure, 125,000 French francs. (HB 1938)
General facts
It was on the initiative of the Fédération des Syndicats de l'Enseignement (France) and the Sindicato Magistrale Italiano (Italy) that an effort was made to bring all the teachers in the world into one organisation shortly after the war (1919-20). The Educational Workers' International was not, however, established in a permanent form until 1922 (Paris Congress). (HB 1929)
Sur l'initiative de la Fédération des Syndicats de l'enseignement (France) et du «Sindicato Magistrale Italiano» (Italie), on s'est efforcé peu de temps après la guerre (1919-20), de grouper tous les membres de l'enseignement dans le monde en une seule organisation. Cependant l'Internationale des travailleurs de l'enseignement n'a été établie sous sa forme permanente qu'en 1922 (Congrès de Paris). (HB 1936)
On the initiative of the Federation des Syndicats de TEnseignement (France) and the Sindacato Magistrale Italiano (Italy) an effort was made to bring all the teachers in the world into one organisation shortly after the war (1919-20). The Educational Workers' International was not, however, established in a permanent form until 1922 (Paris Congress). (HB 1938)
Publication of various pamphlets on education. Monthly: "L'Internationale de l'Enseignement, The Teachers' International, Die Lehrer-Internationale, La Internacional de la Ensenanza"; "Press Review", French, German and Spanish editions. (HB 1929)
Publication de diverses brochures sur l'enseignement. Mensuelles; L'Internationale de l'Enseignement ; The Teachers' International ; La Internacional de la Enseñanza; Press Review, édition française; Revue soviétique de l'enseignement, édition française. (HB 1936)
Monthly: L * Internationale de I'Enseignement, The Teachers' International, La Internacional de la Ensenanza; Press Review, French edition, Soviet Education Review, French edition. (HB 1938)
Five international congresses have been held so far: Paris, 1922; Brussels, 1924; Paris and Brussels, 1925; Vienna, 1926; Leipzig 1928. (HB 1929)
Sept congrès internationaux ont eu lieu jusqu'ici ; Paris (1922) ; Bruxelles (1924) ; Paris et Bruxelles (1925) ; Vienne (1926) ; Leipzig (1928) ; Anvers (1930) ; Hambourg (1932). (HB 1936)
Eight international congresses have been held up to now: Paris, 1922 ; Brussels, 1924; Paris and Brussels, 1925; Vienna, 1926; Leipzig, 1928 ; Antwerp, 1930; Hamburg, 1932 ; Paris, 1935. (HB 1938)