The Japan-China Educational Association
The Japan-China Educational Association, 日華学会
To provide educational and other facilities for the peoples of China and Manchoukuo.
Organs of the Association: 1. A Japanese Chinese education report. 2.An annual report of the Association.
1. Preparatory education of students from China and Manchoukuo.2. Lodging of these students. 3. Introduction to study by practice and inspection methods. 4. Provision of facilities for students wishing to make investigation and research in the fields of education and crafts. 5. Introduction of these students in case of
school entrance and transfer. 6. Meetings of the Board of Directors at unstated times. 7. Organs of the Association: 1. A Japanese Chinese education report. 2.An annual report of the Association. 8.Operation of a Japanese language school "The Toa-gakko."