International Committee on the History of Sciences
International Committee on the History of Sciences, Comité International d'Histoire des Sciences, International Academy on the History of Sciences, Académie Internationale d'Histoire des Sciences
Founded: 1928
HB 1931, HB 1936, HB 1938
Bureau, en charge à partir d'octobre 1934 jusqu'en 1937
(HB 1936)
Bureau holding office from October 1934 to September 1937.
(HB 1938)
Relationships with other Organisations
Members in these countries
30 active and 50 corresponding members, elected by co-optatio. There are also a few honorary members (at present four).
(HB 1931)
L'Académie, lorsqu'elle aura atteint le nombre fixé par ses statuts (en 1942) se composera de 50 membres effectifs et de 100 membres correspondants, élus par cooptation. Actuellement les 99 membres en charge appartiennent aux pays suivants:
(HB 1936)
L'Académie a nommé aussi un petit nombre de membres d'honneur, actuellement 4.
Organisation dans différents pays de « groupes nationaux adhérents à l'Académie ». Il en existe actuellement en Argentine, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Maroc, Palestine, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Roumanie, Suisse, Tchécoslovaquie, Union des Républiques soviétiques socialistes.
(HB 1936)
When the membership of the Academy reaches the figure fixed in its Statutes (in 1942), it will consist of 50 actual members and 100 corresponding members appointed by co-option. At present (December, 1936) the 108 active members belong to the following countries : Argentine (2), Austria (3), Belgium (6), United Kingdom (10), Canada (1), China (1), Czechoslovakia (3), Denmark (2), Egypt (2), France (11), Germany (17), Greece (1), Hungary (i), India (1), Italy (12), Japan (1), Morocco (1), the Netherlands (2), Palestine (1), Poland (3), Portugal (4), Roumania (2), Spain (4), Sweden (2), Switzerland (4), Union of Soviet Socialist-Republics (2), United States of America (9). The Academy has also appointed a few honorary members (there are at present four). Organisation in different countries of "national groups of supporters of the Academy ". There are at present groups in the Argentine, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, France, Italy, Morocco, the Netherlands, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Roumania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
(HB 1938)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
(since 1936)
United Kingdom
(since 1936)
United States of America
(since 1936)
Oslo: Norway
Paris: France
London: United Kingdom
Porto: Portugal
Other places:Coimbra, Lisbon.
Le prochain congrès aura li eu à Prague au cours de l'été de 1937.
Réunions ordinaires de l'Académie toutes les autres années à Paris ou au lieu des congrès internationaux des sciences historiques.
Réunions extraordinaires éventuelles, même limitées à un nombre restreint de pays
(HB 1936)
Prague: Czechoslovakia
To gather the most eminent authorities on the history of sciences into an international Academy, to stimulate the study of the history of sciences and promote its organsation.
To gather the most eminent authorities on the history of sciences into an international organisation, to promote the study and teaching of the history of science, to publish works, memoranda and periodicals on the history of science.
(HB 1938)
Subsidies from Governments and scientific institutions and private donations.
(HB 1931)
Subventions de gouvernements et d'organisations et instituts scientifiques, ainsi que dons privés.
(HB 1936)
Grants from Governments and scientific organisations and institutes, and private donations.
(HB 1938)
General facts
The Committee was founded in Oslo in 1928 at the International CongresCommittee. Its regulations were adopted at its first Congress in Paris. The Committee than helds its meetings in Paris, May 1930. The next meetings will take place in Paris in the spring of 1932 and in Warsaw in August 1933; Third Congress, Berlin 1934.
(HB 1931)
L'Académie, sous le nom de Comité, a été fondée à Oslo en août 1928, au Congrès international des sciences historiques. Elle s'est dégagée d'une Commission extérieure du Comité international des sciences historiques et, en cette qualité, continue à faire partie dudit Comité. Les statuts de l'Académie ont été approuvés à Paris, mai 1929, à l'occasion du premier Congrès international d'histoire des sciences.
(HB 1936)
The Academy was founded as a Committee at Oslo, in August 1928, at the International Congress of Historical Sciences through the expansion of an external commission set up by the International Committee on Historical Sciences, and in this capacity it continues to form part of that Committee. The Academy's regulations were approved in Paris in May 1929, at the first International Congress on the History of Sciences.
(HB 1938)
Périodiques : la Revue Archeion (Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences); Annuaire de l'Académie, publié en 1932 et 1933, celui de 1935 est actuellement sous presse; la revue Isis.
Autres publications officielles : Publication de Tables chronologiques d'histoire des sciences, d'un Corpus medicorum arabicorum, d'une suite d'histoires des sciences, etc.
(HB 1936)
Periodicals: the review Archeion (international archives on the history of sciences, edited by Aldo Mieli (Paris-Rome)); Yearbook of the Academy
(published in 1932, 1933 and 1936); the review Isis, edited by G. Sarton, Cambridge, Mass. (bibliographical). Publication of chronological tables of the history of science, a Corpus medicorum arabicorum, a series ofhistories of the sciences, etc.
(HB 1938)
International Congresses every three years. Committee meetings are held every other year in Paris or at the seat of the International Congress of Historical Sciences.
(HB 1931)
International Congresses every three years: Paris, May 1929; London, June 1931; Portugal (Oporto, Coimbra, Lisbon), September-October, 1934; Prague, September 2ist-28th, 1937. Ordinary meetings of the Academy every other year in Paris or in the same place as the International Congresses of Historical Sciences. Extraordinary meetings, sometimes restricted to a small number of countries, may be held.
(HB 1938)
Congrès internationaux tous les trois ans ; Paris, mai 1929; Londres, juin 1931; Portugal (Porto, Coimbra, Lisboa), septembre 1934. Le prochain congrès aura li eu à Prague au cours de l'été de 1937.
Réunions ordinaires de l'Académie toutes les autres années à Paris ou au lieu des congrès internationaux des sciences historiques. Réunions extraordinaires éventuelles, même limitées à un nombre restreint de pays
(HB 1936)