International Concert Federation
International Concert Federation, Fédération Internationale des Concerts, Federazione Internationale dei Concerti
Founded: 1929
HB 1931, HB 1936, HB 1938
The Federation is directed and managed by the General Council consisting of the representatives of the National Commissions, each member country being represented by from one to three delegates. The General Council elects a President, two Vice-Presidents and a Secretary-General, together with an Executive Committee and Subcommittees for (1) international exchange, (2) the Press, (3) legal questions including the settlements of disputes between members and artistes, (4) the annual budget.
(HB 1931)
La Fédération est dirigée et administrée par le Conseil général, composé des représentants des Bureaux nationaux à raison d'un à trois par chaque pays adhérent. Le Conseil général élit un président, deux vice-présidents et un secrétaire-général, qui peut aussi être choisi en dehors du Conseil. Il élit en outre un Comité exécutif, dont le président, les deux vice-présidents et le secrétaire général sont membres de droit, et dont les deux autres membres sont choisis dans le Conseil; Sous-Comités pour : 1° les échanges internationaux, 2° la presse, 30 les questions juridiques et pour régler les différends entre ses membres et les artistes, 40 le budget annuel.
(HB 1936)
Governing Body: The Federation is directed and managed by the General Council consisting of the representatives of the National Commissions, each member country being represented by from one to three delegates. The General Council elects a President, two Vice-Presidents and a Secretary-General, who may be chosen from outside the Council. It also elects an Executive Committee, of which the President, the two Vice-Presidents and the Secretary-General ex officio become members. Hie two other members are chosen from among the Council; Sub-Committees for (i) international exchanges, (2) the Press, (3) legal questions including the settlement of disputes between members and artistes and (4) the annual budget.
(HB 1938)
Members in these countries
Instituts et Sociétés de concerts
(HB 1936)
Members: Concert associations in :
(HB 1938)
(since 1931)
(since 1931)
(since 1931)
(since 1931)
(since 1936)
(since 1931)
(since 1931)
(since 1936)
(since 1931)
(since 1931)
(since 1931)
(since 1931)
(since 1931)
(since 1936)
(since 1931)
(since 1931)
(since 1931)
(since 1931)
United Kingdom
(since 1936)
United States of America
(since 1931)
(since 1931)
Paris: France
Réunion préliminaire
(HB 1936)
Budapest: Hungary
Première réunion générale
(HB 1936)
Rome: Italy
Brussels: Belgium
Paris: France
Au cours de cette dernière réunion, a eu lieu le premier concours international de composition, dont le lauréat a été M. Goffredo Petrassi.
To promote the exchange of works and artistes between the various countries, to draw attention to compositions and unknown conductors and executants, to encourage the adoption of uniform rules among artistes and musical societies, to promote legislation relating to music and musicians in all countries - living conditions, health, social insurance, subsidies, tracel facilities, etc. - and, in general, to take all steps likely to assist the progress and diffusion of music together with intellectual co-operation in musical matters throughout the world.
(HB 1931)
Faciliter l'échange d'œuvres et d'artistes entre les différents pays ; signaler réciproquement les œuvres, les chefs d'orchestre, les exécutants ; obtenir, pour les artistes ou les groupes artistiques, des facilités de voyage de façon uniforme; faire établir des règles identiques et constantes pour préserver les intérêts des sociétés; provoquer une action législative en faveur de l'art et des artistes et, en général, faire tout ce qui sera reconnu utile au progrès, à la diffusion de la musique, au bien-être des musiciens et à la fraternité universelle intellectuelle, en ce qui concerne les manifestions musicales.
(HB 1936)
To promote the exchange of works and artistes between the various countries; to draw attention to compositions and unknown conductors and executants;
to obtain uniform travelling facilities for artistes or musical societies and to establish uniform and permanent regulations for forwarding the interests of societies; to promote legislation in favour of music and musicians, and in general, to take all steps likely to assist the progress and diffusion of music, the welfare of musicians and intellectual cooperation on musical matters throughout the world.
(HB 1938)
Each National Bureau undertakes to pay the sum of 50 pound annually for five years. In addition, State subsidies, donations, takings at musical festivals, etc.
(HB 1931)
Chaque Bureau national paie pendant cinq ans une cotisation annuelle
de 50 dollars; subventions des Etats, provinces ou villes; contributions et dons personnels; recettes de concerts ou fêtes musicales organisées à cet effet.
(HB 1936)
Each national bureau undertakes to pay the sum of $50 annually for five years. In addition, State, provincial and municipal subsidies; contributions and donations ; receipts from concerts or musical festivals organised for this purpose
(HB 1938)
(a) Minutes of the meetings in Paris and Budapest, 1929, and of the Congress in 1931, at Rome.
Preliminary meeting in Paris, July 3rd, 1929; first general meeting at Budapest, October 1929; second in Rome, April 1931; third in Brussels, December 1932 ; fourth in Paris, May 1933. At this last meeting was held the first international competition for composers which was won by M. Goffredo Petrassi.
(HB 1938)