International Committee of Schools for Social Work

International Committee of Schools for Social Work, Comité International des Écoles de Service Social
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Founded: 1929
Sources: HB 1931, HB 1936, HB 1938



Members in these countries

Membership is open to any properly constituted school, the object of which is to train professional workers for social work. (HB 1931) Peut devenir membre toute école dûment constituée ayant pour objet de former des agents professionnels des œuvres sociales. (HB 1936) Membership is open to any properly constituted school, the object of which is to train professional workers for social work. There are at present 78 member schools belonging to the following countries (HB 1938)
Australia (since 1938) , Austria (since 1931) , Belgium (since 1931) , Canada (since 1931) , Chile (since 1931) , Czechoslovakia (since 1931) , France (since 1931) , Germany (1931-1938) , Netherland Indies (since 1938) , Netherlands (since 1931) , Norway (since 1938) , Poland (since 1931) , Romania (since 1931) , Spain (since 1938) , Sweden (since 1931) , Switzerland (since 1931) , Transvaal (1931-1938) , United Kingdom (since 1931) , United States of America (since 1931) ,



To bring about an exchange of views and of the experience gained between schools for social work and to deal with all problems of international co-operation in those schools, such as exchange of teachers and students, organisation of a service of documents and information and of international courses on social work, participation in the preparation of international congresses on social work. (HB 1931) Organiser des échanges de vues théoriques et pratiques entre les écoles de service social et s'occuper de toutes les questions de coopération internationale intéressant ces écoles, telles qu'échanges de maîtres et d'élèves, organisation d'un service de documentation et de renseignements et de cours internationaux sur le service social. Participation à la préparation de congrès internationaux s'occupant d'œuvres sociales. (HB 1936) To bring about an exchange of views and of the experience gained between schools for social work and to deal with all problems of international co-operation in those schools, such as exchanges of teachers and students, organisation of a service of documents and information and of international courses on social work, participation in the preparation of international congresses, on social work. (HB 1938)


Every Member pays an annual subscription of 25 gold francs. (HB 1931) Les membres versent une cotisation annuelle de 34 belgas. (HB 1936) Every member pays an annual subscription of 40 belgas. (HB 1938)


Centre for information concerning the programmes and activities of schools for social work at the Library of the International Labour Office. Meeting of the Secretariat in Paris in May 1931; preparation of a Conference of all the member schools at Frankfort on July 15th to 16th 1932. (HB 1931) Centre de renseignements concernant les programmes et les activités des écoles de service social, à la Bibliothèque du Bureau international du Travail; réunion du Secrétariat à Paris en mai 1931; Conférence de toutes les écoles membres à Francfort les 15 et 16 juillet 1932 ; réunion du Secrétariat à Genève en septembre 1933 ; conférence de toutes les écoles membres, à Bruxelles, du 4 au 9 juin 1934, en même temps qu'avait lieu un cours de vacances international; réunion du Secrétariat à Bentveld, près de Haarlem (Pays-Bas), du 15 au 20 juin 1935, et cours de vacances international ; préparation d'une conférence de toutes les écoles membres qui se réunira à Londres en juillet 1936. (HB 1936) Centre for information concerning the programmes and activities of schools for social work at the Library of the International Labour Office. Meeting of the Secretariat in Paris in May 1931; Conference of all the member schools at Frankfort on July 15th to 16th, 1932; meeting of the Secretariat in Geneva in September 1933 ; Conference of all the member-schools in Brussels, June 4th to 9th, 1934, together with an international summer-school; meeting of the Secretariat at Bent veld near Haarlem (Holland), on July 15th to 20th 1935, together with an international summer-school; Conference of all the member schools in London in July 1936; establishment of principles for the organisation of schools for social service ; establishment of principles of professional deontology for social workers. (HB 1938)
