Nansen International Office for Refugees

Nansen International Office for Refugees, Office International Nansen pour les Réfugiés
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Founded: 30/9/1930
Sources: HB 1931, HB 1936, HB 1938


Members: nominated by the Inter-Governmental Advisory Commission for Refugees Managing Committee, composed of the President of the Governing Body and two members of the Governing Body appointed by the latter. Finance Commission, consisting of the members of the Managing Committee and two other members. (HB 1931)
  • His Excellency Constantin Antoniade Substitute Members (Member) 1931-1936 : nominated by the Inter-Governmental Advisory Commission for Refugees / Member 1936 : nominated by the Inter-Governmental Advisory Commission for Refugees
    Representative of Romania
  • Joseph Louis Marie Charles Avenol Member 1931 : Member: nominated by the Secretary-General of the League; (LoN) Under Secretary-General; HB 1936/38: (LoN) Secretary-General
  • E. P. Bicknell Member 1931-1936 : nominated by the Governing Body of the Office
  • H. B. Butler Member 1936 : Member: nominated by the International Labour Office - Director of the International Labour Office
  • Iliya Choumenkovitch Substitute Members (Member) 1931-1936 : nominated by the Inter-Governmental Advisory Commission for Refugees
    Representative of Yugoslavia
  • Giovanni Ciraolo Member 1931 : nominated by the Governing Body of the Office (President of the Executive Committee of the International Relief Union, Rome)
    Representative of Italy
  • G. Coroni Secretary General 1938
  • de Navailles-Labatut Titular Member (Member) 1931-1936 : nominated by the Inter-Governmental Advisory Commission for Refugees
  • de Reffye Member 1936 : nominated by the Inter-Governmental Advisory Commission for Refugees
  • B. de Rougé Member 1938 : nominated by the Governing Body of the Office (Secretary-General of the League of Red Cross Societies, Paris)
  • C. A. Edmond Substitute Members (Member) 1936 : nominated by the Inter-Governmental Advisory Commission for Refugees
  • His Excellency Jules Feldmans Substitute Members (Member) 1931 : nominated by the Inter-Governmental Advisory Commission for Refugees
  • Suzanne Ferrière Member 1936-1938 : nominated by the Governing Body of the Office (deputy) (International Migration Service, Geneva) / Member 1938 : nominated by the Governing Body of the Office (International Migration Service, Geneva)
  • His Excellency Zdenek Fierlinger Vice President 1931-1936 : nominated by the Inter-Governmental Advisory Commission for Refugees / Titular Member (Member) 1931-1936 : nominated by the Inter-Governmental Advisory Commission for Refugees
  • Albert François Member 1931 : nominated by the Governing Body of the Office (deputy) (member of the Executive Committee of the International Relief Union, Brussels)
  • L. B. Golden Vice President 1931-1936 : nominated by the Inter-Governmental Advisory Commission for Refugees / Titular Member (Member) 1931-1936 : nominated by the Advisory Committee of Private Organisations for Refugees / Member 1936 : nominated by the Advisory Committee of Private Organisations for Refugees (British United Committee, London)
  • His Excellency C. Goulkevitch Titular Member (Member) 1931-1936 : nominated by the Advisory Committee of Private Organisations for Refugees
  • Th. Gwiazdowski Substitute Members (Member) 1931-1936 : nominated by the Inter-Governmental Advisory Commission for Refugees
  • C. Hanemian Substitute Members (Member) 1931 : nominated by the Advisory Committee of Private Organisations for Refugees (Office for Armenian Refugees in France, Paris)
  • Michael Hansson President 1936 : appointed by the League of Nations Assembly
  • Dr. Max Huber President 1931-1936 : appointed by the League of Nations Assembly
  • Thomas Frank Johnson Secretary General 1931-1938 / Member 31/3/1931-1936
  • Ivan Kerno Member 1931-1936 : nominated by the Secretary-General of the League (substitute)
  • William Andrew MacKenzie Substitute Members (Member) 1931 : nominated by the Advisory Committee of Private Organisations for Refugees (Save the Children International Union, Geneva)
  • Maklakoff Substitute Members (Member) 1936 : nominated by the Advisory Committee of Private Organisations for Refugees (Central Com mittee for Study of the Condition of Russian Refugees, Paris)
  • M. Momtchiloff Substitute Members (Member) 1936 : nominated by the Inter-Governmental Advisory Commission for Refugees
  • Levon Pachalian Titular Member (Member) 1931-1936 : nominated by the Advisory Committee of Private Organisations for Refugees / Member 1936 : nominated by the Advisory Committee of Private Organisations for Refugees (Central Committee for Armenian Refugees, Paris)
  • R. Raphael Titular Member (Member) 1931-1936 : nominated by the Inter-Governmental Advisory Commission for Refugees / Member 1936-1938 : nominated by the Inter-Governmental Advisory Commission for Refugees
  • G. Romanelli Substitute Members (Member) 1936 : nominated by the Inter-Governmental Advisory Commission for Refugees
  • J. Rubinstein Substitute Members (Member) 1931-1936 : nominated by the Advisory Committee of Private Organisations for Refugees / Member 1936 : nominated by the Advisory Committee of Private Organisations for Refugees (Central Committee for Study of the Condition of Russian Refugees, Paris)
  • Soubbotitch Member 1936 : nominated by the Inter-Governmental Advisory Commission for Refugees
    Representative of Yugoslavia
  • E. J. Swift Member 1936-1938 : nominated by the Governing Body of the Office (Secretary-General of the League of Red Cross Societies, Paris)
  • Albert Thomas Member 1931-1936 : Member: nominated by the International Labour Office - Director of the Office
  • Dr. H. Voelckers Titular Member (Member) 1931-1936 : nominated by the Inter-Governmental Advisory Commission for Refugees
  • Prof. George Werner Member 1931-1936 : nominated by the Governing Body of the Office (substitute)
  • Guillaume Théodore Conrad Zwerner League of Nations staff 1/4/1931-31/12/1938


Members in these countries

l'Office dispose de représentations dans les pays: (HB 1936) For the achievement of its objects, the Office has representatives in the following countries (HB 1938)
Austria (since 1936) , Belgium (since 1936) , Bulgaria (since 1936) , China (since 1936) , Czechoslovakia (since 1936) , Dantzig (since 1936) , Estonia (since 1936) , Finland (since 1936) , France (since 1936) , Germany (since 1936) , Greece (since 1936) , Latvia (since 1936) , Lithuania (since 1936) , Poland (since 1936) , Romania (since 1936) , Syria (since 1936) , Turkey (since 1936) , Yugoslavia (since 1936) ,


Resolution of the League of Nations Assembly of September 30th, 1930: (a) Collecting and collating information regarding the material and moral welfare of the refugees; faciliating the task of finding them work and settling them and, for that purpose, collecting useful information as to the conditions of labour in the countries to which they emigrate; (b) Giving general directions to relief institutions which already exist, or which may be established subsequently with the authorisation of the various national authorities, and co-ordinating their work; (c) Collecting and distributing with the help of other bodies, particulary the Advisory Committee of the Private Organsations, the resources as its disposal with a view to the improvement of the lot of the refugees, including the resources derived from the sale of Nansen stamps; (d) Faciliating, within the limits of its competence, the application, in particular cases, of the arrangements that have been made for the benefit of refugees. For the attainment of these objects, the Office may organise local centres dependent on itself, after consulting the national authorities. (HB 1931) a) Recueillir et centraliser les informations se rapportant au sort matériel et moral des réfugiés; faciliter le placement et l'établissement des réfugiés et, à cet effet, recueillir les données utiles sur les conditions de travail dans les pays d'immigration; b) donner des directives aux institutions d'assistance déjà existantes ou qui pourraient être créées avec l'autorisation des autorités nationales, et coordonner leur action; c) recueillir et distribuer, avec l'aide d'autres organisations, les ressources mises à sa disposition pour l'amélioration du sort des réfugiés en général, y compris les ressources provenant de la vente du timbre Nansen ; d) faciliter, dans la limite de sa compétence, l'application dans des cas d'espèce des arrangements intergouvemementaux conclus en faveur des réfugiés. (HB 1936) ( a ) Collecting and collating information regarding the material and moral welfare of the refugees; facilitating the task of finding them work and settling them, and for that purpose collecting useful information as to the conditions of labour in the countries to which they emigrate; ( b ) g i v i n g general directions to r e l i e f institutions which already exist or which may be established subsequently with the authorisation of the various national authorities, and co-ordinating their work; ( c ) collecting and distributing, with the help of other bodies, the resources placed at its disposal with a view to the improvement of the lot of the refugees in general, including the resources derived from the sale of Nansen stamps; (d) facilitating, within the limits of its competence, the application, in particular cases, of the inter-governmental arrangements that have been made for the benefit of refugees. (HB 1938)


Annual grants made by the League of Nations; the procees of the sale of Nansen stamps; the proceeds of fees and sums derived from refugees; donations, legacies and grants. (HB 1931) Les ressources de l'Office international Nansen pour les réfugiés proviennent : a) des allocations que la Société des Nations peut lui accorder; b) du produit de la vente du timbre Nansen (qui ne peut être affecté à la couverture des frais administratifs) ; c) de dons, legs et subventions des gouvernements, d'institutions publiques ou privées, d'associations ou de particuliers, recueillis par l'Office en vertu des décisions du Conseil d'administration. (HB 1936) The funds of the Nansen International Office for Refugees are derived from (a) such grants as inay be made to it by the League of Nations; ( b ) the proceeds of the sale of Nansen stamps (which cannot be used to meet administrative expenditure); ( c ) the issue of surcharged postage stamps, donations, legacies and grants from Governments, public or private institutions, associations or individuals, accepted by the Office in virtue of decisions of the Governing Body. (HB 1938)

General facts

The Office continues the relief activities of Dr. Nansen, High Commissioner for Refugees of the League of Nations, who, in June 1921, was invited by the Council of the League to endeavour to find a solution of the problem created by more than one million Russian refugees scattered throughout Europe and China. In September 1923, the Council requested Dr. Nansen to undertake the solution of the problem of some 300.000 Armenian refugees in the Near East who were in a similar position to that of the Russian refugees. In 1925, the technical part of the refugee work was transferred to the International Labour Office, the High Commission remaining responsible for the polistical, legal and financial questions. In execution of the Assembly resolution of September 30th, 1930, the High Commission was transformed into the Nansen International Office and put under the authority of the League of Nations in accordance with Article 24 of the Convenant. (HB 1931) L'Office poursuit l'œuvre de secours du Dr Nansen, Haut Commissaire pour les Réfugiés de la Société des Nations, qui, en juin 1921, fut invité par le Conseil de la Société à trouver une solution au problème créé par plus d'un million de réfugiés russes disséminés en Europe et en Chine. En 1925, l'activité technique de l'œuvre des réfugiés fut transférée au Bureau international du Travail, le Haut Commissaire devant garder la responsabilité des questions politiques, légales et financières. Conformément à une résolution de l'Assemblée du 30 septembre 1930, le Haut Commissariat, après la mort du Dr Nansen, fut transformé en Office international Nansen dès le Ier avril 1931. (HB 1936) The Office continues the relief activities of Dr. Nansen, League of Nations, High Commissioner for Refugees, who, in June 1921, was invited by the Council of the League to endeavour to find a solution of the problem created by more than one million Russian refugees scattered throughout Europe and China. In 1925, the technical part of the refugee work was transferred to the International Labour Office, the High Commissioner remaining responsible for the political, legal and financial questions. In execution of the Assembly resolution of September 30th, 1930, the High Commission was, after the death of Dr. Nansen, transformed into the Nansen International Office as from April jst, 1931. (HB 1938)