International Conferences of Catholic Employers' Association
International Conferences of Catholic Employers' Association, Conférences Internationales des Associations Patronales Catholiques
Founded: 1931
HB 1931, HB 1936, HB 1938
Members in these countries
National associations and persons of recognised position
(since 1931)
(since 1931)
(since 1931)
(since 1931)
(since 1931)
(since 1931)
To provide links between associations which support the following 3-fold programme:
a) To spread and make effective in economic and social life the principle of the natural and Christian law, as contained in the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church
b) To promote good understanding between employers and employees on the basis of the above principles
c) To look after the social and professional interests of its members
To defend international social and professional interests.
(HB 1931)
1° Servir de lien et d'entr'aide entre les associations patronales catholiques qui poursuivent le triple but suivant : a) diffuser et faire prévaloir les principes de la loi naturelle et chrétienne, tels qu'ils sont contenus dans l'enseignement traditionnel de l'Eglise catholique; b) poursuivre l'établissement de l'entente entre les patrons et les employés sur la base de ces principes; c) prendre à cœur les intérêts sociaux et professionnels de ses membres.
2° Défendre les intérêts sociaux et professionnels de ses membres.
(HB 1936)
1. To provide a link between, and a means of mutual assistance for, Catholic employers' associations which support the following three-fold programme: (a) To spread and make effective in economic and social life the principle of the natural and Christian law, as contained in the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church; (b) To promote good understanding between employers and employees on the basis of the above principles ; (c) To look after the social and professional interests of its members.
2. To defend international social and professional interests.
(HB 1938)
General facts
The proposal to provide regular contact between the employers' associations of the various countries was first definitely made at the congress of Catholic Employers at Antwerp on September 5th and 6th, 1930.
A meeting was held at The Hague on January 8th, 1931, and a Constituent Assembly was held at Paris on February 12 th, 1931.
(HB 1931)
: La proposition de créer un contact régulier entre les associations patronales des différents pays a été faite de façon précise au congrès des patrons catholiques d'Anvers, les 5 et 6 septembre 1930. Une réunion a eu lieu à La Haye, le 8 janvier 1931, et l'Assemblée constitutive à Paris, le 12 février 1931.
(HB 1936)
A monthly circular. (HB 1931 and HB 1938)
Une circulaire mensuelle. (HB 1936)
Conferences are held at least twice a year.
(HB 1931)
Les conférences se réunissent au moins deux fois par an et chaque fois que les circonstances le demandent.
(HB 1936)
Conferences are held at least twice a year, and whenever circumstances require
(HB 1938)