International Committee for the Study of Gliding

International Committee for the Study of Gliding, Internationale Studienkommission für den Motorlotsen Flug, Comité International d'Études du Vol sans Moteur
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Founded: 1930
Sources: HB 1931, HB 1936, HB 1938


Administrative Council on which each country is represented by one delegate. (HB 1931) Le Conseil d'administration se compose d'un représentant de chacun des aéro-clubs membres. (HB 1936) The Board of Administration is composed of a representative of each of the Aero Clubs belonging to the International Committee. (HB 1938)


Members in these countries

Austria (since 1931) , Belgium (since 1931) , Brazil (since 1936) , Finland (since 1938) , France (since 1931) , Germany (since 1931) , Hungary (since 1931) , Italy (since 1931) , Lithuania (since 1938) , Netherlands (since 1931) , Poland (since 1936) , Spain (since 1936) , Switzerland (since 1936) , United Kingdom (since 1931) , United States of America (since 1936) , Yugoslavia (since 1938) ,


To study all scientific, technical and aeronautical questions relating to gliding and its organisation. In sporting matters, the Committee co-operates with he International Aeronautic Federation. (HB 1931) Etudier, selon des principes uniformes, toutes les questions scientifiques, techniques et aériennes, ainsi que les questions d'organisation intéressant le vol sans moteur et les problèmes connexes ; pour ce qui est des questions sportives, il cherchera leur réalisation dans les divers pays par l'intermédiaire de la Fédération aéronautique internationale; il facilitera les échanges de renseignements et la coopération en vue de l'exécution de vols à voile dans un but scientifique ou sportif. (HB 1936) To study according to uniform principles, all scientific, technical and aeronautical questions relating to gliding and its organisation, together with kindred subjects. As regards sporting matters in the various countries the Committee co-operates with the International Aeronautic Federation (Federation aeronautique internationale). It facilitates the exchange of information and co-operation with a view to organising gliding for scientific or sporting purposes. (HB 1938)


Each country pays a subscription of 400 marks annually. (HB 1931) La cotisation annuelle des membres est fixée régulièrement par l'assemblée générale. (HB 1936) The annual subscription of members is fixed regularly by the General Assembly. (HB 1938)


The Committee's bulletin; together with the publications of the scientific, sporting, technical and gliding propaganda commissions, appear as required. (HB 1931) Le bulletin du Comité est publié selon les besoins. (HB 1936) The Committee's bulletin is published as required. (HB 1938)


Annual conferences; International Gliding Congress every 3 years; International Gliding Competition annually from 1932 on. (HB 1931) L'assemblée générale se réunit une fois au moins par an à l'occasionu d'un congrès international du vol à voile. Octroi de distinctions aux aviateurs qui ont accompli des vols à voile remarquables. (HB 1936) The General Assembly meets at least once a year on the occasion of an International Gliding Congress. Award of distinctions to airmen who have performed remarkable gliding feats. (HB 1938)
