International Federation of Associations of Inventors and Industrial Artists
International Federation of Associations of Inventors and Industrial Artists, Fédération Internationale des Associations d'Inventeurs et d'Artistes Industriels
Founded: 1900
HB 1921, HB 1923, HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938
A permanent international committee.
Vice-Chairmen — The Chairmen of the Brussels, Lyons, Milan, Paris, St. Etienne and
Stockholm Associations. (HB 1929)
Vice-présidents: Les présidents des associations de Bruxelles, Lyon, Milan, Paris, Saint-Etienne, Stockholm et des associations anglaise et norvégienne. (HB 1936)
A permanent international Committee.
Vice-Chairmen: The Chairmen of the Brussels, Lyons, Milan, Paris, St. Etienne, Stockholm and the British and Norwegian Associations. (HB 1938)
Relationships with other Organisations
Members in these countries
Associations in the following countries/Les associations nationales d'inventeurs et d'artistes industriels en:
United Kingdom
Défendre les intérêts des inventeurs et artistes industriels; faciliter le plus possible les recherches des inventeurs.
To represent inventors and industrial artists and defend their general and special interests. (HB 1929)
Représenter avant tout les inventeurs et les artistes industriels et protéger leurs intérêts spéciaux. (HB 1936)
To represent inventors and industrial artists and defend their special interests. Members: National associations of inventors and industrial artists (in Belgium, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Norway, Sweden, etc.). (HB 1938)
Cotisation des associations: 100 francs.
Special subsidies and subscriptions on the occasion of each congress. (HB 1929)
Subventions et cotisations spéciales à l'occasion de chaque congrès. (HB 1936)
Special subsidies and subscriptions on the occasion of each congress. (HB 1938)
publication des comptes rendus.
Congrès internationaux; publication des comptes rendus; conférences publiques. Le brevet international est actuellement son idéal.
International congresses at Paris. 1900; Brussels, 1905 and 1910; preparatory work for a congress at Lyons in 1914 (prevented by the war); Brussels, 1919; special meeting of the Committee in 1924. The 1919 Congress decided to co-operate in the work undertaken by the Union of International Associations and by the official organs of the League of Nations in regard to international legislation regarding inventions. (HB 1929)
Congrès internationaux à Paris (1900), Bruxelles (1905 et 1910); travaux préparatoires d'un congrès à Lyon en 1914, empêché par la guerre; Bruxelles (1919); réunion spéciale du Comité en 1924; Congrès international en 1935. Le congrès de 1919 a décidé de coopérer à l'œuvre assumée par l'Union des Associations internationales et par les organes officiels de la Société des Nations en ce qui concerne la législation internationale et l'aide à donner aux inventions. (HB 1936)
International congresses at Paris, 1900; Brussels, 1905 and 1910 ; preparatory work for a congress at Lyons in 1914 (prevented by the war); Brussels, 1919 ; special meeting of the Committee in 1924; International congiess in 1935. The 1919 Congress decided to co-operate in the work undertaken by the Union of International Associations and by the official organs of the League of Nations in regard to international legislation and assistance. (HB 1938)