The International Sugar Committee

The International Sugar Committee, Le Comité International des Sucres
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Founded: 7/8/1935
Sources: HB 1936, HB 1938



Members in these countries

Les associations sucrières de la Belgique, de Cuba, de la Hongrie, du Pérou, de la Pologne, de la Tchécoslovaquie et de la Yougoslavie, ainsi que l'organisation sucrière du Gouvernement allemand (die Hauptvereinigung der Deutschen Zuckerwirtschaft). (HB 1936) The Cuban, Czechoslovak, Polish, Hungarian, Belgian, Yugoslav and Peruvian Sugar Associations and the German Government Sugar Organisation (the Hauptvereinigung der Deutschen Zuckerwirtschaft). (HB 1938)
Belgium (since 1936) , Cuba (since 1936) , Czechoslovakia (since 1936) , Germany (since 1936) , Hungary (since 1936) , Peru (since 1936) , Poland (since 1936) , Yugoslavia (since 1936) ,


Maintenir et développer des relations étroites et mutuellement profitables entre les industries sucrières des divers pays qui font actuellement partie du Comité ou qui pourraient y adhérer ultérieurement et, en particulier, favoriser les efforts tendant à la conclusion d'un accord mondial des sucres. (HB 1936) The object of the Committee is the maintenance and promotion of close and mutually beneficial relations between the sugar industries of the various countries which are now members of the Committee or which may hereafter adhere, and in particular to assist and facilitate the efforts to arrive at a World Sugar Agreement. (HB 1938)


Cotisations des associations sucrières qui sont membres du Comité. (HB 1936) Subscriptions by Sugar Associations which are members of the Committee. (HB 1938)
