International Exchange Committee

International Exchange Committee, Comité International des Échanges, Comitato Internazionale Degli Scambi, Comite Internacional de Intercambios
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Founded: 29/4/1933
Sources: HB 1936, HB 1938


Le C. I. E. est dirigé par son Conseil d'administration. Le Bureau de ce Conseil est constitué comme suit. The International Exchange Committee is directed by an Administrative Council. The officers of the Council are as follows: (HB 1938)


Members in these countries

Albania (since 1938) , Argentina (since 1936) , Australia (since 1936) , Austria (since 1936) , Belgium (since 1936) , Brazil (since 1936) , Bulgaria (since 1936) , Canada (since 1936) , Chile (since 1936) , China (since 1936) , Colombia (since 1936) , Costa Rica (since 1936) , Czechoslovakia (since 1936) , Denmark (since 1936) , Dominican Republic (since 1936) , Ecuador (since 1938) , Egypt (since 1936) , Estonia (since 1936) , Finland (since 1936) , France (since 1936) , Germany (since 1938) , Greece (since 1936) , Haiti (since 1936) , Hungary (since 1936) , Italy (since 1936) , Japan (since 1936) , Lithuania (since 1936) , Luxembourg (since 1936) , Mexico (since 1936) , Netherlands (since 1936) , Nicaragua (since 1936) , Norway (since 1936) , Paraguay (since 1936) , Peru (since 1938) , Poland (since 1936) , Portugal (since 1938) , Republic of Cuba (since 1936) , Romania (since 1936) , Siam (since 1936) , Spain (since 1936) , Sweden (since 1936) , Switzerland (since 1936) , Turkey (since 1936) , United Kingdom (since 1936) , United States of America (since 1936) , Uruguay (since 1936) , Venezuela (since 1936) , Yugoslavia (since 1936) ,



Propager l'idée de la nécessité d'un développement normal des échanges internationaux et mettre tout en œuvre pour faciliter sa réalisation; parvenir à une stabilisation générale des devises, préparée par un règlement des dettes internationales; réaliser la simplification des mesures douanières, etc. (HB 1936) To promote the idea of the need for the normal development of international trade and to take every possible step to facilitate its achievement; to bring about the general stabilisation of currencies, preceded by a settlement of international debts; to bring about the simplification of Customs measures, etc. (HB 1938)


Annual subscriptions of members. (HB 1938)

General facts

Le Comité international des échanges a été créé à Paris ie 29 avril 1933, à l'issue du premier Congrès international des échanges, organisé à la Chambre de commerce internationale par l'Union française des industries exportatrices. La première session du Comité a eu lieu à Paris, les 4 et 5 décembre 1934. Le Conseil d'administration s'est réuni à Anvers, en juillet 1935. (HB 1936) The International Exchange Committee was set up at Paris on April 29th, 1933, at the end of the first International Exchange Congress, organised at the International Chamber of Commerce by the French Union of Export Industries. The first session of the Committee was held at Paris on December 4th and 5th, 1934. The second session of the Committee was held at Geneva from June 4th to 7th, 1936. A second International Exchange Congress was held at Paris from June 14th to 19th, 1937, during the International Exhibition. It studied mainly the relations between the American and Asiatic continents and the different European countries. (HB 1938)


Un bulletin d'informations, extraits de presse et de comptes rendus de l'action du C. I. E. paraît mensuellement, auquel sont joints éventuellement des suppléments spéciaux (compte rendu de la première session annuelle du C. I.E.). (HB 1936) A bulletin of information, Press extracts and records of the work of the International Exchange Committee is issued monthly, together with special supplements when necessary (records of the various activities or meetings of the Inter national Exchange Committee). (HB 1938)


Le C. I. E. se réunit une fois par an en une session dont le siège est choisi par le Conseil d'administration dans un des pays affiliés. Le Conseil d'administration se réunit au moins deux fois par an, dont une fois en France et la seconde dans un autre pays affilié. La Commission de propagande se réunit à Paris. La Commission des pays du bloc-or a été créée au cours de la session annuelle de 1934, qui s'est réunie pour la première fois à Bruxelles. (HB 1936) The International Exchange Committee meets once a year at a place in one of the affiliated countries selected by the Administrative Council. The Administrative Council meets at least twice a year, once in France and once in another affiliated country. The Propaganda Commission meets at Paris. (HB 1938)
