International Association of Manufacturer of Rolling-Stock

International Association of Manufacturer of Rolling-Stock, Association Internationale des Constructeurs de Matériel Roulant
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Founded: 12/4/1930
Sources: HB 1936, HB 1938


L'Association est administrée par un Comité de Direction composé comme suit. Le Secrétaire général remplit les fonctions de gérant de l'Association.
  • Bemelmans President 1936
  • Boyd Representative of Active Member (Representative) 1938
  • Dumas Secretary General 1936 : The Secretary-General also acts as the Association's Manager. (HB 1938)
  • Frey Representative of Active Member (Representative) 1936
  • Koettgen Representative of Active Member (Representative) 1938
  • Krah Representative of Active Member (Representative) 1938
  • Lebert Representative of Active Member (Representative) 1936
  • Metenier Representative of Active Member (Representative) 1936
  • Moyses Representative of Active Member (Representative) 1938
  • Peeters Representative of Active Member (Representative) 1936
  • Prager Representative of Active Member (Representative) 1936
  • Thoumsin Representative of Active Member (Representative) 1936


Members in these countries

Peuvent être admis comme 1° Membres actifs: Tous constructeurs de matériel de chemins de fer et tramways des pays suivants. Au Ier juin 1935, l'Association comprenait trente-cinq membres actifs en Autriche, Belgique, Dantzig, France, Hongrie, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Suisse. (HB 1936) (1) Full membership is open to all manufacturers of railway and tramway stock in Austria, Belgium, United Kingdom, Czechoslovakia, Free City of Danzig, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United States of America. On February 1st, 1937, the Association comprised eighty-two active members in Austria, Belgium, United Kingdom, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, United States of America; (2) Corresponding membership is open to all manufacturers of railway and tramway stock in other countries ; (3) Honorary membership is open to any body interested in the rollingstock industry from the industrial, commercial or financial point of view. (HB 1938) 2° Membres correspondants: Tous constructeurs de matériel de chemins de fer et tramways des autres pays. 3° Membres honoraires: Tout organisme s'intéressant à l'industrie du matériel roulant au point de vue industriel, commercial et financier.
Austria (since 1936) , Belgium (since 1936) , Czechoslovakia (since 1936) , Dantzig (since 1936) , France (since 1936) , Germany (since 1936) , Hungary (since 1936) , Italy (since 1936) , Netherlands (since 1936) , Poland (since 1936) , Spain (since 1936) , Sweden (since 1936) , Switzerland (since 1936) , United Kingdom (since 1936) , United States of America (since 1936) ,


Etude permanente de la conjoncture internationale de l'industrie du matériel roulant de chemins de fer et tramways; recherche des moyens économiques et financiers susceptibles de faciliter la coordination de la production et de la consommation; études relatives aux ententes internationales concernant la répartition du marché d'exportation entre les pays producteurs. (HB 1936) Constant study of the international position of the railway and tramway rolling-stock industry; study of the economic and financial means of facilitating the coordination of production and consumption; enquiries regarding international agreements for the allocation of the export market between producing countries. (HB 1938)


Il est établi un budget annuel dont les dépenses sont couvertes par les recettes provenant des cotisations fixées par les statuts et versées par les membres de l'Association. (HB 1936) An annual budget is drawn up, the expenditure in which is covered by the income derived from the subscriptions paid by members of the Association in accordance with the regulations. (HB 1938)

General facts

Depuis sa fondation, l'Association a d'abord fonctionné, jusqu'au 31 décembre 1931, sous le régime d'une Convention de Cartel international de répartition du marché d'exportation ; puis elle a fonctionné sous le régime de Gentlemen's Agreements permettant aux constructeurs des divers pays de rechercher en commun les moyens de ranimer le marché d'exportation pendant la période de sa dépression maximum, du Ier janvier 1932 au Ier décembre 1934. Suivant les statuts adoptés par son assemblée générale du 23 novembre 1934, elle a pris, depuis le Ier décembre 1934, la forme permanente d'un Cartel international d'études économiques et financières intéressant la coordination de la production et de la consommation et facilitant la conclusion d'accords en vue de la reconstitution d'un Cartel international de répartition du marché d'exportation. (HB 1936) From its foundation to December 31st, 1931, the Association's activities were governed by an international Cartel Agreement for the allocation of the export market; this was superseded by a number of "gentlemen's agreements" enabling constructors in the various countries to take joint action to revive the export market during the worst phase of the depression, that is from January 1st, 1932, to December 1st, 1934. In accordance with the regulations adopted by the General Assembly on November 23rd, 1934, the Association was converted as from December ist, 1934, into a Permanent International Cartel for Economic and Financial Investigations to co-ordinate production and consumption and facilitate the conclusion of agreements with a view to the allocation of export markets. (HB 1938)
