International Society for Crippled Children

International Society for Crippled Children, Société Internationale d'Assistance aux Enfants Estropiés
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Founded: 1921
Sources: HB 1936, HB 1938


Directive Committee.
  • Edgar F. Allen Honorary President (President) 1936
  • Frank B. Allen Vice President 1938 / President of the Committee (President) 1938 : President of the Finance Committee
  • John R. Bentley Vice President 1938 / President of the Committee (President) 1938 : President of the Administration of Societies Committee
  • Dr. Charles Scott Berry Vice President 1938 / President of the Committee (President) 1938 : President ofthe Education Committee
  • Thos H. Blair Vice President 1938 / President of the Committee (President) 1938 : President of the Conventions and Conferences Committee
  • C. Q. Chandler Vice President 1936 / President of the Committee (President) 1938 : President of the Extension and Development Committee
  • Alberta Chase Vice President 1938 / President of the Committee (President) 1938 : President of the Social Welfare Committee
  • Victor Doré Vice President
  • W. F. Faulkes Vice President 1938 / President of the Committee (President) 1938 : President of the Vocational Placement Committee
  • Paul H. Fesler Vice President 1938 / President of the Committee (President) 1938 : President of the Diagnosis and Treatment Committee
  • Vivian M. Hackett Editor 1938
  • Dr. Michael Horvath Vice President 1938 / President of the Committee (President) 1938 : President of the Prevention and Research Committee
  • E. Jay Howenstine Secretary-Treasurer (Secretary) 1936-1938 / Executive Secretary (Secretary) 1938
  • W. S. Johnson Vice President 1938 / President of the Committee (President) 1938 : President of the Co-ordination of Activities Committee
  • Paul H. King President 1936
  • Raymond J. Knoeppel Vice President 1936 / President of the Committee (President) 1938 : President of the Legislation Committee
  • Constance Leigh Vice President 1938 / President of the Committee (President) 1938 : President of the Institutions Committee
  • Dr. J. Archer O'Reilly Vice President 1938 / President of the Committee (President) 1938 : President of the Professional Relations Committee
  • E. W. Palmer Vice President 1938 / President of the Committee (President) 1938 : President of the Educational Publicity Committee
  • Jean C. Pierce Vice President 1938 / President of the Committee (President) 1938 : President of the Vocational Training Committee
  • E. Shirley Vice President 1938 / President of the Committee (President) 1938 : President of the Discovery and Enumeration Committee
  • A. H. Thompson Director of Extension (Director) 1938



Favoriser la création des sociétés nationales ou régionales d'assistance aux enfants estropiés. Coordonner les efforts de celles-ci et d'autres organismes existants, en vue de l'élaboration des programmes d'éducation, de soins médicaux, assistance et orientation professionnelle aux enfants estropiés; servir de centre d'information dans ce domaine. (HB 1936) To encourage the creation of national or regional societies for aid to crippled children. To co-ordinate the efforts of these and other existing organisations with a view to arranging for programmes of education, medical treatment, aid and vocational guidance to crippled children; to be a centre of information in this matter. (HB 1938)


The Crippled Child Magazine (bi-mensuel). (HB 1936) The Crippled Child Magazine (bi-monthly). (HB 1938)


Conférences annuelles chaque printemps. Deux congrès mondiaux ont eu lieu. (HB 1936) Annual Conferences every spring. Two World Conferences have been held. (HB 1938)