International Chamber of Consultants on Transport

International Chamber of Consultants on Transport, Chambre Internationale des Experts Conseils en Transport
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Founded: 1933
Sources: HB 1936, HB 1938



Members in these countries

Austria (since 1936) , Belgium (since 1936) , Czechoslovakia (since 1936) , France (since 1936) , Germany (since 1936) , Italy (since 1936) , Spain (since 1936) , Switzerland (since 1936) , United Kingdom (since 1936) ,


Défendre les intérêts de ses membres; étudier en commun les questions importantes de transport; se mettre en rapport avec les institutions internationales y relatives à Genève. (HB 1936) To defend the interests of its members; joint study of important transport questions; to get into touch with the international institutions dealing with transport at Geneva. (HB 1938)
