Catholic Workers' International

Catholic Workers' International, Katholische Arbeiter-Internationale, Internationale Ouvrière Catholique, Katholieke Arbeiders-Internationale
Mark for connection search

Founded: 1928
Sources: HB 1936, HB 1938



Members in these countries

Members in the following countries:
Argentina (since 1933) , Austria (1933-1938) , Belgium (since 1933) , Germany (1933-1938) , Luxembourg (since 1933) , Netherlands (since 1933) , Poland (since 1933) , Switzerland (since 1933) ,



Travailler à la réalisation de conditions et de relations sociales, spirituelles, morales et économiques, sainement ordonnées d'après les principes chrétiens, par la collaboration internationale des organisations de la classe ouvrière catholique. HB 1938: To work for the realisation of social, spiritual, moral and economic conditions and relations based on Christian principles, by means of the international collaboration of Catholic working-class organisations.


Cotisations des organisations affiliées. HB 1938: Subscriptions of affiliated organisations.

General facts

Fondée lors du Congrès international des organisations ouvrières catholiques, tenu à Cologne en juillet 1928. Le deuxième congrès a eu Heu à Utrecht en 1931. HB 1938: Founded during the International Congress of Catholic Worker's Organisations held at Cologne in July 1928. The second Congress took place at Utrecht in 1931.


Congrès international au moins une fois tous les trois ans. HB 1938: An international congress at least once every three years.
