International Union of Press Associations

International Union of Press Associations, Union Internationale des Associations de Presse
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Founded: 1894
Sources: HB 1936, HB 1938



Members in these countries

Associations of journalists and newspapers of the following countries:
Austria (since 1936) , Belgium (since 1936) , Bulgaria (since 1936) , Czechoslovakia (since 1936) , Finland (since 1936) , France (since 1936) , Hungary (since 1936) , Norway (since 1936) , Portugal (since 1936) , Romania (since 1936) , Spain (since 1936) , Sweden (since 1936) , Switzerland (since 1936) , United Kingdom (since 1936) ,



HB 1936: Organiser une action commune entre les associations de journalistes et les associations de journaux de tous pays à l'égard des questions professionnelles d'intérêt commun; établir à ses congrès des règles générales et des us et coutumes internationaux concernant la presse et les lettres; assurer une aide professionnelle réciproque aux membres de l'Union exerçant leur profession hors de leur pays; provoquer des ententes et conventions internationales relatives au journalisme et à la propriété littéraire. HB 1938: To organise joint action by the associations of journalists and newspaper associations of all countries in connection with professional questions of common interest; to establish general rules and international usage and customs concerning the Press and letters at its congresses; to provide reciprocal professional assistance to members of the Union working outside their own countries; to promote international understandings and conventions on journalism and literary property.


HB 1936: Chaque association de journalistes verse une cotisation annuelle de 25 centimes-or pour chacun de ses membres; chaque association de journaux verse, pour chacun de ses membres, une cotisation de cinq francs-or. HB 1938: Each association of journalists pays an annual subscription of 25 gold centimes for each of its members; each newspaper association pays a subscription of five gold francs for each of its members.

General facts

Founded at Antwerp in 1894, constituted at Bordeaux in 1895, and confirmed at the International Congress, Budapest, in 1896. Congresses held: Antwerp, 1894; Bordeaux, 1895; Budapest, 1896; Stockholm, 1897; Lisbon, 1898; Rome, 1899; Paris, 1900; Berne, 1902; Vienna, 1904; liege, 1905; Bordeaux, 1907; Berlin, 1908; London, 1909; Trieste, 1910; Rome, 1911; Copenhagen, 1914; London, 1927; Barcelona, 1929; Oslo, 1932; Antwerp, 1934; Prague, 1935.


"Bulletin officiel de l'Union internationale des associations de presse"./Official Bulletin of the International Union of Press Associations.


HB 1936: Le Comité de direction, composé de délégués des associations de chaque pays appartenant à l'Union, se réunit au moins deux fois par an, autant que possible en avril et en octobre. Un Congrès international se réunit tous les trois ans. HB 1938: The Governing Body, composed of delegates of the associations of each country belonging to the Union, meets at least twice a year, as far as possible in April and October. An international Congress is held every two years.
